
UPS technology

  • Provide optimized power at high efficiency rate
  • Offer solutions to proved up to 99.999% availability
  • Provide THD performance

Trends - UPS technology

Optimized power

  • Server/computer load are increasingly demanding more active power - high input Power Factor (PF)

High efficiency

  • Operating cost of UPS is important

99.999% availability

  • Business continuity is supported by the availability of 7/24 power.


  • UPS must not affect other consumers in the utility side or cause oversizing of gensets.

Load power factor vs. UPS rating

Let’s study three 100kVA UPS’s with 3 different output p.f. rating and try to size the acceptable IT load based on kW

utput p.f. 0.9 0.8 1.0
rated output kVA/kW 100/90 100/80 100/100
Can the UPS supply if the load is 90 kW ? YES NO short of kW YES

f load is 90 kW, p.f. 0.9 the needed current is based on apparent load of 90 kW / 0.9= 100 kVA

A and C type of UPS can supply the same load! Output pf. 0.9 should be requested from UPS suppliers!

Output pf. 0.9 should be requested from UPS suppliers!

Savings calculation

Example, 8% better efficiency at 9 kW load:

8%*9kW*24h*365d = 6307 kW/h per year

Electricity cost:

6 Rupee / 1 kWh in India

Savings in electricity:

6*6307 = 37842 Rupee per year
+ 20% electric bill for air cooling/ventilation

Total savings Rs. 45,410 per year
Or Rs. 2,27,052 in 5 years.